Welcome to the Christmas Sparkle Project


The Christmas Sparkle Project is run by the community for the community. We work with local charities who support families in need.


We aim to give a Christmas gift to every child aged 0-18 years living in difficult circumstances in the Taunton and Wellington community.


We want to make every child's Christmas Sparkle.

The 2023 Christmas Sparkle Project wrapped and delivered 2,477 parcels, an increase of 10% on the previous year.


Thanks to the generosity of everyone, we were able to provide a gift for every request we received.

The 2024 Christmas Sparkle Project is underway and wrapping and distribution will begin soon.


Come along to our wrapping events. We enjoy welcoming back our returning volunteers and meeting new people who have come to help.


The Project would be an impossible task without all the volunteers, first timers and returners, who have turned out in all weathers in previous years. We honestly could not run this project without you.


Below you will find dates of this year's wrapping events and a link where you can sign up to attend.  


Wrapping Events Sign Up


Wrapping event dates 


If you would like to be involved with the project please get in contact.


For more pictures go to our Gallery page

A lovely message we received last year:


"My little boy's face lit up yesterday after he picked up his present from school. He's had a tough few years and your present has lifted his spirit and given him a sign of how our communities look after those who are vulnerable. I wish you all a truly peaceful and happy Christmas and thank you all from the bottom of are hearts for your love and support this Christmas."

We have relaunched our

Just Giving

page after the huge success last year when

£1450 was raised. EVERY penny is spent on gifts for the children.



If you would like to donate to our project to help us buy gifts please click on the link above.

Gill Harrison:


Founder of Christmas Sparkle Project


Thank you Summerfield


Many thanks again to James and Chris Holyday and Summerfield, who have again provided us with premises in Victoria House, Taunton TA1 3FA.  Without their continued generosity the project could not run.


The list of companies and organizations who help us grows every year. This is a link to our supporters page, all of whom were involved last year - please let us know if we have missed anyone out. Many have already expresed a desire to help again this year, either by hosting a collection box, coming to Sparkle HQ for a Christmas Corporate Wrapping Days (complete with Christmas music and mince pies!) or by raising much needed funds. Thank you so much for your support, past and  present.

Our Supporters


Donations have come from schools, businesses, groups and individuals.


Special Thanks to:


My Day who do an amazing job of collecting and delivering donations. We are delighted to be in partnership with such a wonderful organisation and so happy that you will be returning this year to help.




Christmas Sparkle wins Citizenship Award


In April 2019 the achievements of Christmas Sparkle were recognized by this Citizenship Award, presented to us by the then Mayor, Catherine Herbert at the Somerset County Cricket ground. The award acknowledges all the hard work put in by everyone who has helped. The press were present and this article appeared in the local paper.